BlackBerry Maps on 8800

The last two days I had the chance to test a BlackBerry 8800 (thanks to Andy). Overall I have to say that I was really surprised how good the scroll ball works. I made some pictures of the 8800 using BlackBerry Maps with its internal GPS hardware - this combination could replace my Windows Mobile Pocket PC with TomTom. After starting GPS: Showing the current location: Showing a calculated route: Read more →

Learning from Scoble

problogger has an interesting post about “What I’ve learned about blogging from Robert Scoble”. I found problogger last weekend and he has some really good information for bloggers - there are so many useful things on his site, it will take me some more time to get all the important information. The post about Scoble is great! For me Scoble is one of the greatest (if not the greatest) blogger on the web and this article shows why. Read more →


I developed a Midlet PokerClock. PokerClock allows you to keep track of blind levels when hosting a Poker Tournament. You can define small and big blind and set the time for each level It counts down the time for each level and plays a sound when changing into a new level. Give it a try: (download it directly from your mobile) Read more →


Sure you heard of Twitter but do you know Twittervision? I found it on Scobles blog … great thing for wastin’ your time 😉 Seems like Twitter is not able to deal with their server load the last two days, their site is very slow. Read more →

VDR Troubles

Damn. My cable provider Liwest encrypted all channels today. I was using my VDR now for over three years and now … it is black. Without a smartcard I will not be able to receive digital TV channels anymore. Now I have to think about a solution - adding a common interface to my VDR and buying a smartcard? Completely change to another device? Read more →

BlackBerry 8800 officially announced

All blogs are full of it: Boy Genius, RIMarkable, BlackBerryCool … today RIM officially announced the BlackBerry 8800. The official site is already online – check it out.Additionally BG posted some comparison pictures of BlackBerry 8700 and 8800 – with the statement “Trust me, if you have an 8700 you’ll want an 8800.” – we will see 😉 Read more →

Requiring a client certificate

If you want to secure your web site you can configure your apache2 server to require a client certificate. You do this by adding the following to options to the ssl host configuration: SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/private/CAcert.pem SSLVerifyClient require SSLVerifyDepth 10 To create a client certificate use the following commands openssl genrsa -out client.key 1024 openssl req -new -key client.key -out client.csr The create client.csr file has to be signd by your CA with the following command: Read more →

Reading RSS Feeds on a BlackBerry

RIMarkable yesterday asked the question: “Besides email and making calls, what do you really use your BlackBerry for?” In one the users comments I found a link to Berry Bloglines which is a small application for reading RSS feeds on a BlackBerry. I am using Google Readerto subscribe to RSS feeds for about three months now and I really love it. I gave a try today but it did not convince me. Read more →

T-Mobile Austria will provide EDGE

This one was really unexpected for me. But I am T-Mobile customer with a BlackBerry 8700g (which supports EDGE) and I am really happy about it. I never understood why T-Mobile did not provide EDGE while Mobilkom Austria started in 2005 with their EDGE upgrade. In March 2007 it should be possible to use EDGE in 75% of Austria – can’t wait for it 😉 Read more →

Encoding filter for Java web applications

Dealing correctly with encodings is one of the most important things in Java web applications (if not even in Java). The best way to avoid troubles with different encodings is to use only one encoding throughout the entire web application. The encoding of choice is UTF-8 which is able to deal with almost every known written language. The first thing you have to ensure is that every content delivery from your server tells the client (browser) the correct encoding to use. Read more →