Jenkins in a Docker container

After having our Sonatype Nexus repository running in a Docker container (see my previous post), the next part of our infrastructure I wanted to move into a Docker container was our Jenkins build server. The most difficult part of this, was to get the Android SDK installed inside the Docker image. After downloading the compressed SDK you have to run the android installer from the tools folder. This installer downloads the requested Android versions and asks for accepting the different license agreements - which is a problem because the building the docker images is non interactive. Read more →

Signing Android APK files under JDK7

We are using maven to build our Android applications in Jenkins for testing and for publishing them to the Play Store. Recently I started to have problems with the Play Store saying that the APK files were not signed or not aligned so I upgraded the Android Maven plugin and adapted the pom.xml files. Finally I was able to submit the signed and aligned APK files again to the Play Store – everything fine again, at least I thought so. Read more →