10 Jahre iPhone

Kann mich noch sehr gut an meinen Blogpost vor 10 Jahren zur iPhone Präsentation erinnern - als eingefleischter BlackBerry Fan 😉 Mein Studienkollege Sebastian Schretter hat mich angerufen und wir haben darüber diskutiert - er war sofort überzeugt davon. Dass sich das iPhone auf die Arbeit in meiner, damals noch nicht gegründete, Firma troii Software GmbH so massiv auswirken würde und die ganze Branche so verändert, hätte ich mir am Tag der Präsentation nicht gedacht. Read more →

Spannende Wochen für RIM

Es sind spannende Wochen, die da auf RIM zukommen. In den nächsten Tagen wird RIM ihr neues Betriebssystem BlackBerry 10 und ihre neuen BlackBerry Geräte vorstellen. Die Neuvorstellung repräsentiert für RIM und die Marke BlackBerry quasi einen Neustart in vielerlei Hinsicht. Das neue Betriebssystem basiert auf QNX, wie bereits das System das auf dem Playbook gelaufen ist. RIM hat das Playbook OS allerdings sehr viel weiter entwickelt, und in BlackBerry 10 wieder die gesamten Funktionen eingebaut, für die BlackBerry bekannt wurde (Synchronisierung von Mail, Kalendar, Kontakten, Todo’s usw. Read more →


I developed a Midlet PokerClock. PokerClock allows you to keep track of blind levels when hosting a Poker Tournament. You can define small and big blind and set the time for each level It counts down the time for each level and plays a sound when changing into a new level. Give it a try: http://www.getjar.com/products/9347/PokerClock (download it directly from your mobile) Read more →

BlackBerry 8800 officially announced

All blogs are full of it: Boy Genius, RIMarkable, BlackBerryCool … today RIM officially announced the BlackBerry 8800. The official site is already online – check it out.Additionally BG posted some comparison pictures of BlackBerry 8700 and 8800 – with the statement “Trust me, if you have an 8700 you’ll want an 8800.” – we will see 😉 Read more →

Reading RSS Feeds on a BlackBerry

RIMarkable yesterday asked the question: “Besides email and making calls, what do you really use your BlackBerry for?” In one the users comments I found a link to Berry Bloglines which is a small application for reading RSS feeds on a BlackBerry. I am using Google Readerto subscribe to RSS feeds for about three months now and I really love it. I gave Bloglines.com a try today but it did not convince me. Read more →

T-Mobile Austria will provide EDGE

This one was really unexpected for me. But I am T-Mobile customer with a BlackBerry 8700g (which supports EDGE) and I am really happy about it. I never understood why T-Mobile did not provide EDGE while Mobilkom Austria started in 2005 with their EDGE upgrade. In March 2007 it should be possible to use EDGE in 75% of Austria – can’t wait for it 😉 Read more →

Software for my Blackberry

Since I switched from my SonyEricsson P910i to a Blackberry 7290 a year ago I missed my password safe. On the P910i I was using Handy Safe because it had a desktop part that allowed me to sync it with my PC. The password safe RIM provides for Blackberries could not be synchronized with the PC and so I was searching for another one. Finally I found it:MiniSafe for Blackberry - it allows me to define categories and types, has a built in password generator and I can synchronize it with my PC. Read more →